For Princess Traveler, ManGo develops new travel products on a regular basis. As with most designs developed by us, we aim to solve problems small and large by adding valuable features and user experiences. In this project the annoyance of losing or not knowing where you left your flight ticket and passport led to the concept design.
A few sketches to solve the issue were presented to the client. In discussions it became clear that providing a safe place for the documents and not adding too much costs was of importance. The extendable handle was ideal to integrate the solution in; as it has a lot of unused space and in the perfect spot for the documents.
The selected sketches were developed into prototypes and presented to users. Also, field tests were done to identify improvements. With this information an upgraded prototype was developed which underwent the same tests to ensure the design worked flawlessly.
The Princes Traveler Safety Handle is patented worldwide and has been introduced in 2018. So far it has helped numerous people to have a more comfortable travel experience.
The Princess Traveler Safety Collection was awarded the Red Dot award for product design. This is the most prestigious design contest in the world, held since 1955 and with over 6.300 contestants from 59 countries.
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