For over 15 years ManGo Product Design has been working with Emoss on the development of drive trains for many different electric vehicles. Realizing projects for DAF, MAN, London Taxi Company, Mercedes, Mellor, Heineken and many other clients. Besides integrating the electric drive trains within existing vehicles, a lot of effort is put into continually improving the technology itself.
For most projects which ManGo executed with Emoss the main challenges were to develop the drive train conversion kits to be integrated in combustion engine chassis. In practice this meant finding space wherever possible to integrate the required hardware components. From battery packs up to 420 kWh and the motor to auxiliaries like the dc dc convertor, fusebox and electric heater.
In most cases very little space was available to integrate all these pieces of hardware and in addition all frames that had to be engineered needed to comply with strict automotive regulations. To ensure that the existing chassis and added components designed by our team could withstand forces of continuous acceleration, deceleration and impact we made use of digital FEM analysis to validate strength and optimize designs. To further ensure compliance full working prototypes were tested an Notified Bodies for the homologation process.
The Emoss human machine interface was overhauled by ManGo to be easier to use, more efficient and aesthetically pleasing. All Emoss vehicles old and new have been upgraded with this new user interface.
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